Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Recap since monday!

ha ha so I know nothing really new is going on. But its WEDNESDAY so I thought I would post a few things that has happened since my last post. :) Monday Jay had golf districts and he TOOK FIRST!! whoo hoo go Jay go :) State is next Monday in Rigby so that will be exciting to go and watch him. So I looked all over to find a picture of him at districts and I had absolutely no luck what so ever, so I just had to post a different picture of him golfing. What a champ :] Jess had an Ambassador Awards night and she got a few awards, Most Initiative, and a funny one for Reality TV Junkie :) and then she got another award for the night too. She also was given a "Grow your own BENGAL" ha its pretty cute, its one of those sponge like animals and you add water to its cage and it grows :) She had her evaluation today with the Advisor and he said that she is one of the top ambassador and she is a really hard worker. What a great compliment :) She really enjoyed this program and is excited to do it next year too. Jess and I have taken our finals, she is done but I still have two left, wish I was done but I guess this is what I get for taking some classes later in the day. I officially checked out of my dorm room this morning after my final. Remember what it looked like before I moved out... Well here it is now, all boring like haa :) I think mom is excited for us to come home, She asked if Jess and I wanted to come home today and I would just drive back and forth but Jess still has a lot of packing to do and my final is somewhat early tomorrow so I didn't want to get up even earlier to drive, but Jess reminded her of tornado Jessica and she agreed that she wants her house not messy for two more days :] I'm very excited to be home and for summer to start!

Jess also had a MORTAR board meeting this week, its an honor society club here at ISU. She got initiated and also Historian. Here are pictures from her night and her roommate Aubs.

I finally got the right picture of Tom, Jess and I. Sounds like he is doing great with all his letters I see on his mission Blog. Miss you Tom!


  1. Manda, good luck on your last few finals. We just got an e-mail from Tom today and he sounds awesome, I miss him so much. I love this picture of you two with Tom, and you all cute! :)

  2. Good luck with the rest of your finals. Congrats to Jess on all her sweet awards! It will be fun for you to be back in IF for the Summer. Hopefully we'll get to see you more.

  3. Congrats Jess and Jas! Good luck on the rest of your Manda. I love that pic of you, Jess and Tom. I am so glad you guys will be home for a few months!
