Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Update on Wy

Here is the most recent update on Wy's site, his sissy Steph posted it this morning. "As I stated in an update earlier Wyatt has made it to Denver safely. From what I have been told the ride didn't go as good as it should have, there were problems with the plane and they had to put him on a smaller one. To get Wyatt into the plane they had to turn him sideways (like a couch) to get him into the plane. Wyatt was very upset all day yesterday and the anger is setting in, he is sharing a room with two other people right now because he is still receiving help from the machine to breath. He is also having a hard time sleeping, even though they gave him medication to relax and sleep, he is so worked up he hasn't slept much. The medical staff will be doing a full body exam today along with every x-ray, CT scan and MRI you can think of. Wyatt is a C4 Quadriplegic, and the medical staff will be teaching him to have the quality life as one."

Mom talked to Aunt Shir today and they were doing a bunch of tests on Wy all day today, so they wont know more until later tonight she said. I found a quote a while back after all of this happened and it reminds me a lot Wy and what all he will be going through.

"god didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, nor sun without rain, but he did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way" love you cousin wy

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