this post is long needed.
school is a mess. I didnt think I could be any busier than last semester but it is possible.
its nice to relieve my stress and thoughts through hair clips (:
Classes are going well. Here is a run down and my "thoughts"
1. cross sectional anatomy - I really enjoy this class because I get to read and study MRIs, Xrays and all the fun stuff I plan on doing the rest of my life.
2. radiographic physics - mixed emotions about this class. lets just say that I am not particularly in love with learning this stuff.
3. medical electronics - I enjoy this class, but just imagine having a three hour lecture on math and physics combined.
4. radiobiology - majority of the material is just a recap of into biology with a little emphasis on radiology
5. textiles - love this class! tuesday we are learning how to knit and crochet. I seriously cant wait!
6. family resource management - looove this class.
7. meal management - this week we will start cooking. I cant wait to bring home the recipes.
This week I have four tests! It will be all worth it when the weekend is here. Mom and Dad are coming down Friday. It will be nice to see them (:
Here is a mini recap of pictures during christmas break that I still havent been able to upload.
Kim and Trent's wedding.
Tyson and Kolban came home, it was good to see them over break and play Bunko!
Bunko night brought back so many memories. It was good to hang out with everyone again.
Tara came down to IF for the day and we hit up the Bean.
I moved into a new apartment over break. I LOVEEEE my new place and my roommates.
I dont think I have ever been so blessed to have these ladies a part of my life.
Jessica is student teaching, and she loves it. I dont think there is ever a day where I dont hear about her students. Candie, Jess's teacher she is under, had her girls over at my house last week and we made some hair clips.
This last week and coming two of my good friends are coming home!
James came in last week and Jay Dee will be in this week! I cant wait to have my friends back here (:
And lastly, me. new trend, yup feathers. I love them!
enjoy your week.
this is so weird. hahahahhaa I'm for sure gonna have to check it out! haha